Happy day! The landlord showed up today with not one, but two internet gurus and after much jiggling of wires, I now have internet access at our flat! Yay! I'm not going to count on this all the time, and it has taken me about five attempts to get onto the portion of Blogger where I can create a new post. So I had probably better type fast.
Just wanted to share my Kosovo television experiences thus far. The really good part is there are about three channels in English that show a lot of movies and you know what? They're pretty good movies, too, unlike Cable One back in Idaho (I mean, how many times can they replay "The Karate Kid" and not set off a riot?").
I get CNN, BBC and EuroNews and EuroSport all in English, too. I have watched tons of the Olympic games thanks to EuroSport. As a sidebar to the Olympics, I have to ask: does the luge actually involve some athletic skill??? I mean, it looks to me, other than that little hand flapping thing at the start, aren't they just
riding the rest of the way down? Sorry, but I think curling events top that!
There are a number of channels that are in various languages, German and Italian primarily, that are subtitled in Albanian so sometimes trying to figure the plots out on those channels is something of a wash. There is one channel called X Explorer (it's similar to National Geographic)that you would think is in English just because the word Explorer is in English, but nope, it's dubbed over in I'm not sure....Croatian, maybe?? Sometimes I can hear the speaker in English a little and then between watching the show and hearing a little, I get the drift. Yesterday was a big exception....the program seemed to be about weather. First they showed a tornado and they had some really awful graphics and I'm talking about the farmhouse , ala' The Wizard of Oz, whirling around in a tornado that was reminiscent of those ancient commercials for White Tornado cleaner. Then immediately it switched to a scene of a little rabbit in a hole looking out as snow piled up. Then that scene faded to a snow globe with the Manhattan skyline inside....with the Twin Towers, no less. Finally I had to move on....I just could not figure out what the deal was on this one.
But one of my favorites is Fashion TV. It has actual runway fashion shows from Paris, Milan, and other real live fashion capitals of the world. Don't ask why I'm so enchanted with it, I just am. And who would have ever guessed that this would be running here? You just never know about this place. The models, however, look like they are 14 year old Holocaust victims.
There's another French program on that is kind of weird....it's called Chasse et Teche and it runs non-stop and all it is about is hunting and fishing. Marlin Perkins would have been jealous! (You remember Marlin. Wild Kingdom? Yeah.)
Oh, and Tom and Jerry cartoons are pretty fun in Albanian! Who needs those in English?
That's about all on my running commentary on Kosovo TV. I like it.....the only thing I miss is the FoodNetwork but I can log onto the website (hopefully) and get my Paula Deen fix! Yay!