Kreme de la Kosovo

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Watch Your Step!

I'm pretty sure they don't keep statistics but if they did we would probably discover that Prishtina is the "Broken Leg Capital of Europe" if such a dubious distinction exists. Dad told me to be careful while I was here and not step on an old landmine. While that danger does still exist to a certain extent, just walking around Prishtina is far more dangerous. First you have to be careful of cars...whether you're on the sidewalk or not. Cars are usually parked all over the sidewalk so you frequently have to walk in the street. Then as cars zoom past you, sometimes in reverse, I might add, you have to hop back onto the sidewalk. If you're lucky/unlucky enough to get to walk on the sidewalk any distance you have to not only weave yourself around all the cars and people, but you have to watch out for all the pitfalls. Literally. Holes like these are all over the place here, but usually they are about half full of garbage. I don't know if they are filled to help cushion your fall or if people just see them as handy receptacles for their trash.
But I thought it was a nice touch that someone put up a piece of wood next to the one hole. Just so you would be alerted to the fact that the hole was there. Instead of covering the hole!!


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