I haven't had much to write about for awhile. Not much has been going on around here other than a bunch of political stuff related to Martti Ahtaasari's proposal for the final resolution of Kosovo's status. It's too involved and I don't get it all so I'm not touching it here in this blog.
However, I do receive daily press updates that can be amusing in their own way. Don't take it that I'm making fun of anyone here....some of these things are tragic and others are just stupid. Some of them caught my attention for no other reason than the vernacular and grammar, etc. I actually admire a lot of the people here who have learned English over the past few years. Many of them are very fluent and I find it remarkable. I had this big idea when I got here that I was going to learn Albanian. Well, it is such a difficult language it would take about 20 years. Which I don't have. More than one Albanian advised me to just forget it. One of my husband's language assistants is attending college and even she failed her Albanian language course, and she's Albanian! She did, however, get the equivalent of an A in English.
Anyway, for your perusal:
Ferizaj– 03/01 – 1205 hrs. A citizen of Macedonia insulted a male guard in the local Raiffeisen bank. The suspect was arrested. (Arrested for insulting someone? wow)
Ferizaj– 06/01- 1650 hrs. A male was stopped by police for wrong parking of his vehicle and was asked for documents. But the owner refused to comply and resisted entering the police vehicle. Finding no option the police discharged his firearm and shot one round in the air and arrested the suspect. (They mean business here!)
Pec - 01/01-2310 hrs. A male was arrested for torturing his wife.
Bradash podujeve (GR: EN 116 542) - 31/12-1300hrs. A female born in 1957 fell into a well and died. (I'm not sure what the revelance of her date of birth was to this story. However, there are a LOT of these women who mysteriously fall into wells here. Very suspicious.)
Mitrovica- 24/12- 1005 hrs. A male was arrested for threatening a female with an axe. He is said to be mentally sick and was also sent to Health House for medical treatment. (That's what they always say.)
Pec.– 11/12 – NN. A male reported that his father is missing who was living alone in a separate house. This is note worthy that the house where he was living was burnt during the night. (I'd say that that is indeed noteworthy.)
Llausha Village 19-01- 1825 Hrs. A male was sitting down in his home. He stood up and unknown suspect(s) shot into the residence at least 10 times.
Slatina Village 02/02 – 1230hrs. A male while taking a shower suffered an electrical shock and as a consequence later died. Following an investigation it transpired that an electrical fault was to blame.
Vushtrri 03/03 – 2300 hrs. A male threatened a female police officer several times by phone saying he wanted to kidnap and mistreat her in every possible manner. The suspect was sent to Neuropsychiatry centre for medical treatment. (In every possible manner??? I want to see a follow up story to this!)
Dardania 03/03 – 2200 hrs. A male is reported to have been arrested while he insulted, assaulted and threatened his wife since a long time. He wanted to burn her and other family members and set fire to curtains and bed sheets. (How come this guy wasn't sent to the Neuropsychiatry centre???)
Bellobrad Vil 08/03 - 0035 hrs. A mortar was launched towards a gas station and caused huge material damages. It was launched from a hill opposite the gas station. No one was injured. Window panes on houses were also damaged and KFOR attended the scene as well. (Huge!)
Dardania III 08-03-07 1215 Hrs. A UXO was found by the Anti-Mortem unit while digging for a corpse. KFOR was notified and took the UXO from the scene. (I need to find out more about this "Anti-Morten" unit. Sounds a little strange to me.)
So you can see why I always tell people I'm never bored here.